# | Title | Original air date |
01 | "Red Night"
"Akai Yoru" (赤い夜 〜Piros éjszaka) | October 6, 2009 |
After witnessing his sister’s suicide, Kakeru lives the remainder of his childhood in an orphanage, where he meets a young girl named Yuka. Years later, we find Kakeru, now a teenager, attending high school with Yuka. The ordinary days they have come to expect are overturned when they are thrown into an alternate world which they call "Red Night". In it, they are pursued by nightmarish creatures bent on their death. However, as quick as it appeared, the Red Night mysteriously ends. Both are left unsure if their experience was simply their imagination. Later that same day a new student arrives with more knowledge about the experience. |
02 | "The Maiden of Crystal Palace"
"Suishō no Shōjo" (水晶の少女 〜egy lány -ban kristály) | October 13, 2009 |
Kakeru and Yuka are thrown back into the Red Night dimension again. This time they meet a strong young woman named Misuzu Kusakabe, who saves them from a horde of the evil blob-like creatures, and find a girl who is trapped within a crystal. The three are attacked by some much-stronger adversaries but once again find themselves return to the normal world. |
03 | "The Lonely Pride"
"Kodoku na Hokori" (孤独な誇り 〜egyedülálló büszkeség) | October 20, 2009 |
Kakeru, wishing to protect Yuka, asks Misuzu if she will teach him how to use a sword. Misuzu refuses. but Kakeru is determined to learn so he can protect Yuka the next time they are taken to the Red Night. |
04 | "Smiling Behind a Facade"
"Kamen no Bishō" (仮面の微笑 〜a doboz mögött maszk) | October 27, 2009 |
Kakeru is determined to find his power, but cannot seem to awaken it. They are taken once more to the Red Night and are attacked by two of the Black Knights. Misuzu tries to fight and hold back one black knight but fails to break the standoff. She is saved by Yukiko, who enters the fight very nearly delivering a death blow to Misuzu's opponent when she is impaled from behind by a second black knight. Just as the black knights are assured of victory Takahisa ignites them and the Red Night ends once again. |
05 | "For My Friends and For Tomorrow"
"Tomo to Asu no Tameni" (友と明日のために 〜barátoknak,holnapra) | November 3, 2009 |
Kakeru and Yuka are first introduced to the mute Kukuri, who is identical in looks and name to Kakeru's dead sister. Kakeru resumes his sword training with Misuzu at school, soon after which the Red Night falls. During the Red Night, Misuzu is immediately engaged by a black knight, and Yuka and Kakeru are again forced to escape. While running away, they are met by a black knight who blocks their way out of the school grounds. He at first overwhelms Kakeru, but eventually Kakeru's powers awaken in a battle protecting Yuka, and Kakeru manages to fell his black knight opponent. |
06 | "Confused Heart"
"Kokoro Midarete" (心乱れて 〜szíbtép fájdalom) | November 10, 2009 |
Kakeru is stuck in a coma racked with pain and his past memories. His friends are at his side, worried for his state of health. Misuzu attempts a ritual to heal him and free Kakeru of his torment. The Eye of Aeon activates and past and present meet in a meeting of the minds. Next morning, Kakeru awakens healed, to a weakened Misuzu who is passed out in his lap. Yuka, who comes to check up on him, witnesses only this, completely misinterpreting what she had seen. The others gather for breakfast. A short, enjoyable peace is broken when Misuzu has a dizzy spell which Kakeru responded to with concern, upsetting Yuka, and causing her to blindly flee. Kakeru finally catches up with Yuka on the school rooftop and assures her that Misuzu and he are only friends. Yuka confesses her feelings for him, wanting a kiss to legitimize their relationship. Kakeru refuses, making Yuka runaway again. As Kakeru once again tries to follow, Red Night falls. A standoff ensues between their team of dubbed "fragments" and the Black Knights. As the battle begins Misuzu readies herself for a fight and Yukiko starts to engage in battle when Kukuri reveals her powers and slaughters all the nightmare blobs and a Black Knight in the process. After everyone regroups, Takahisa reveals that he has found Yuka's tattered backpack. Kakeru, fearing the worst, looks for Yuka. |
07 | "Twisted Awakening"
"Yuganda Kakusei" (歪んだ覚醒 〜kanyargos ebredes) | November 17, 2009 |
Red Night has fallen and Yuka is desperately trying to run and forget her fears about Kakeru and Misuzu. The others search in vain for Yuka, fearing the worst, and split up to find her. Kakeru and Takahisa search in the school while the girls search the city. Meanwhile, Lissette awakens to find herself alone and tests the limits of the crystal barrier. Yukiko manages to find Yuka at a temple, talking to herself about Kakeru. Aravita notices Lissette's attempted escape and leaves the matter of the Fragments to the other Black Knights. Yukiko tries to cheer up Yuka as she laments both her lack of power and her belief that Kakeru is becoming distanced from her. Yukiko advises that it may be for the best, revealing her own bloody past. The boys continue to search as the Black Knight, Scholastica, wounded and dazed, disintegrates before their eyes. Misuzu meets with them as Invidia appears, wishing revenge for marring her face and body. Kakeru activates the eyes of Aeon to fight Invidia and manages to land a severe blow before the pain begins to cripple him. Superbia and Misuzu duel as the Black Knight remarks about Misuzu's Onmyoji heritage (from the Kusakabe clan with the demon swords and fighting style). Misuzu become suspicious of Superbia's knowledge but that becomes unimportant as Superbia displays the Kusakabe duel-blade stance. Takahisa continues his battle with Invidia but both reach their limits. Yukiko and Kukuri arrive on the scene and attack Invidia. A cyclone then traps them with Invidia and she reveals her explosive blood. Yuka suddenly appears and cries for Kakeru, activating her latent power. Invidia's power, Misuzu's sword, and Kukuri's chains all disappear. When Yukiko realizes Invidia has been neutralized, she stabs her in the head. Misuzu explains that Yuka has the dangerous power of nullification, the ability to prevent the use of enemies/friends power. Then Yuka faints because she used her powers too much. Flashback: A beautiful woman morns Vlad's death and vows to destroy the world as he wanted. |
08 | "Witching Hour"
"Ōma ga Toki" (逢魔が時〜félhomály öv) | November 24, 2009 |
The Black Knights converse over the Fragments with Superbia remarking " No force in this world is more terrifying than innocence. Yuka awakens the next morning to see Kakeru dozing on a chair beside her bed. He enquires if shes ok and Yuka assures him and declares she wishes to protect him. Downstairs in the living room Misuzu and Takahisa discuss Yuka's power, Red Night and the reason they are chased by them. Kakeru confronts Kukuri about the note book and asks her to leave Yuka alone. After Takahisa leaves to go in search of Yukiko, Misuzu checks the oni barrier around her house, which shows hairline cracks. Meanwhile Yukiko tells Takahisa about how much everyone means to her and how much loss she has suffered as Kakeru follows Misuzu to her dojo. Unknowingly they are all being watched. Misuzu tells Kakeru about forbidden magic, an ancestor that she admired and about her suspicions of Superbia being Misao Kusakabe. Kakeru says impossible then Misuzu shows him the mark branded into her shoulder. She then cuts her self and offers Kakeru the power of the Kusakabe by drinking her blood. Yuka witnesses this intimate moment and then blackouts. Flashback: Liselotte stars out at the night vowing to end the world for her beloved Vlad. Takahisa has made his way back to school but is caught by Saiko for being late after scolding him she wants him to meet her after school to go out to eat. In class Shiori gets a love letter which she destroys then asks to go to the nurses office. A raven goes to attack Shiori but she reveals magical abilities by destroying the bird. Remarking to herself that she can't stay out of it any longer. Yuka wakes from her blackout as Kakeru and Misuzu duel. Kakeru finds his movements light and agile. He uses the eye and predicts Misuzu's next move hitting her hard and wounding her. Yuka walks in and offers Misuzu a hanky for her cut then suddenly leans forward and licks her blood exclaiming shes just like Kakeru. Yukiko found Takahisa at school and they share a very warm moment. Kukuri and Misuzu are walking to school, Misuzu comforts Kukuri about Kakeru not trusting her. Back at the house Yuka and Kakeru start to do some chores around the house when they hear a noise. Kakeru goes to check it out and finds Shiori who blasts him with magic then tells him cryptically, "you are the one who awakened the demon." Takahisa and Yukiko go to meet Saeko and found her strung up magically, dead with Superbia seated beside her. |
09 | "Breaking Bonds"
"Kowareta Kizuna" (壊れた絆 〜törött kötés) | December 1, 2009 |
After seeing Saeko strung up by Superbia, Tajima goes into a fit of rage; exactly what his parents had feared. (The fire demon, as he calls it) Meanwhile, Shiori informs Kakeru that only he can stop the demon. Things start to stir up when Tajima is fighting a Superbia clone, and at the same time Misuzu is fighting the real Superbia. Kakeru and Kukuri come to aid Misuzu, and Superbia retreats. Kusakabe Misuzu realizes that her and Superbia's power are far too great a distance in strength. Yukiko confronts the group as they are discussing about the Black Knights, covered in blood. She killed Tajima Takahisa. |
10 | "The Witch Awakens"
"Majo Kakusei" (魔女覚醒 〜bukott angyal) | December 8, 2009 |
Shiori come and tells Kakeru and Misuzu everything about the red night and about the black knights. Lisette is actually Liselotte, who seeks to destroy the world, just like her lover, Verard wished for. 64 years prior, Liselotte was sealed away by Index. However, by doing so, the Disciples turned into hideous creatures who are now called the Black Knights, who guard Liselotte's seal. They also seek to destroy the 7 fragments of the "Void Stone" which were separated into parallel worlds (when she was sealed), but have now been brought together in the red night. If all the fragments are collected, Liselotte's seal will be destroyed and opens up the Hell's gate (which is the black moon, which will bring the end of the world). Yukiko, who is grieving for Tajima, now seeks vengeance against the Black Knights. She comes alone to fight them. Yuka becomes increasingly protective of Kakeru, but then the red night shows again and the monsters came. Yuka uses her power to nullify them, and faints. Kakeru puts her into a room and joins the other to search for Yukiko. Meanwhile, Yukiko loses to Superbia. Superbia tells her that without the fragment inside her body, her body won't regenerate. She tears out the fragment from inside Yukiko's body and she is killed with one blow. When Kakeru, Misuzu, and Momono arrive, they find Yukiko's dead body there and suddenly... Yuka appears and take Yukiko's fragment from the Black Knights, and throws it to Lisette's Seal. The seal is destroyed and Lisette, now Liselotte, awakens. |
11 | "The Choice called Destruction"
"Metsubō to Iu Sentaku〜válogatott-hoz kialvás" (滅亡という選択〜válogatott-hoz kialvás) | December 15, 2009 |
Liselotte awakens and proceeds to kill Yuka and absorb her fragment of the void stone. Kakeru saw the flashback and try to reflect the power, but failed. Her void fragment was absorbed by Liselotte and gained power. Avaritia, in order to protect the remaining fragments, teleport Misuzu and Kakeru out of the red night, while Shiori stays behind to fight Liselotte alongside Superbia and Avaritia (in his dragon form, Georgius.) Meanwhile, Kakeru and Misuzu try to find out if Yuka is still alive and trying to find their way back into the red night. As, Shiori was about to be absorbed and killed by Liselotte, Kukuri appears and transforms into Abraxus and Superbia tries to hold Liselotte still while Avaritia fires a blast at them. In Yuka's world, as the black moon is coming closer, Kakeru and Misuzu discuss what they should do if the others fail and proceed to do a "ritual" (which requires them to Physical intimacy bond together in other words they have a very deep and intense sex) to power up Kakeru's abilities. A crack that leads them to the Red Night opens, Misao Kusakabe appears behind them and tells them that her love, Avaritia, died, Abraxus was killed, and Shiori committed suicide. She told them indirectly that this too, might happen to Misuzu (In this case, Kakeru). After Misao died, Yuka comes out. As Kakeru walks towards her, he is stabbed by Liselotte using Yuka's body and has his body and the eye of Aeon absorbed into her. She also absorbs Misuzu. Liselotte, remembers her discussion with Verard about destroying the world. It seems that everyone is dead. Then, Yuka proceeds to say, "...and the two of them lived happily ever after." Kakeru disagrees on this ending. |
12 | "Daybreak of the Dark Night"
"Yamiyo no Akatsuki〜a sötét hajnal" (闇夜の暁〜a sötét hajnal) | December 22, 2009 |
All the events from Episode 11 were just Kakeru's vision if he protects Yuka when Liselotte is about to kill Yuka. Kakeru disagrees on this ending and decides to kill himself to prevent Liselotte from taking his Eye. Then, he remembers all of his childhood memories. He woke up on the infirmary, asking why is he alive. Yuka nullified the sword when he stabed his throat, and Liselotte couldn't battle due to Yuka's ability. Yuka is in a bed near Kakeru. Kakeru is introduced to Abraxas, Kukuri's spirit. After discussing why she is alive, and how Abraxas killed Kakeru in another World, Yuka is absorbed by the bed and the group enter the roof. The Black Moon is near, and Liselotte is sealing Yuka so there will be no more nullification. When dueling with Liselotte, Velad appeared in Liselotte's mind, stating that it is foolish to destroy the world. Liselotte still had no doubt upon destroying the world. Shiori and Abraxas fight against Liselotte, but fail. Abraxas takes Shiori's fragment to Kakeru, stating that with the Eye of Aeon and the fragment, he could send Liselotte to the space-time rift. Misuzu uses the forbidden Doujikiri Yasutsuna and shields Kakeru and Misao helps her. Misuzu and Misao counter the power Liselotte is releasing, but she disappears. Kakeru saw where Liselotte was going appear with the Eye of Aeon, and uses the fragment to seal her. Liselotte tried to flee, but was grabbed by Avaritia. Both of them were sealed in the space-time rift where she can't do anything anymore. The Red Night starts to collapse but Misao gets them out of there. They then enter a World of Peace. In this world, only Kakeru, Yuka, and Misuzu know all the event of the Red Night. Yukiko and Takahisa are back and they forgot about the Red Night, Kakeru, and Yuka. Saiko is back too. The story ends when Misuzu was asking them to Ayanas and they walk together. Kakeru looks with his Eye of Aeon, he sees that the Black Moon still exists. It is concluded with the text: "Akarat on jon holnap?" which means: "Will you come tomorrow?", which might create a sequel. |
13 (OVA) | "Pink Phantasm and Dream Story"
"Momoiro Genmutan 〜rö zsaszí n é jszaka" (桃色幻夢譚 〜rö zsaszí n é jszaka) | June 25, 2010 |
The seven main character enter a "Pink Night" where their powers have a perverted twist: Kakeru can see through everyone's clothes, Yuka changes the boys into girls, Misuzu's swords are turned into vibrators, Kukuri can speak but only says and draws profanities, Yukiko becomes sexually excited upon taking off her glasses, and Takahisa sprinkles a small fountain of water. The events of this episode are merely a parody of the main series and have nothing to do with the other 12 episodes. |